Wednesday, January 5, 2011

riding the bus...part 2

Well, today was day 2 of Avery riding the bus to school.  Did not go well for me again, but she could not be more pleased with herself riding the cool-cool school bus!  I didn't even get out of bed because I did not want to see her get on the bus in front of our house.  She came bouncing in to give me a hug and kiss before she left and to say " mom, you know I love you, but I like riding the bus anyway"  and off she went.  I could still hear the bus stop in front of our house and of course...I cried.  Kenzie came in to snuggle with me, and said "mommy, no crying, no more"  " you should only cry when you get hurt, like crashing your bike or something"  and "you shouldnt be mad at avery, everyone rides the cool,school bus and I will too.and avery is a smart good girl...she will just go to school and play and learn how to count!"  thanks a lot Kenzie, just what I needed "wise words' from a 3 year old!!
Avery brought this home on monday and said that I should keep it so I remember that "she still loves me while she is at school"  oh my goodness!!  what am I doing to this poor kid?  Making her feel so guilty for wanting to ride the school bus.  I never, ever rode the school bus to or from school.  My mom brought me and picked me up everyday!! Maybe that is why it scares me so much...because it is such an unknown to me?  Well at least I know where my craziness comes from!  And I did call the school this morning and ask the receptionist to make sure that Avery made it to her class ok.....she laughed a little at me and then said she would be happy to check and call me back.  I could almost hear Avery rolling her eyes from here!! the school called back to say, "yes, Avery is in class and looks to be doing well"   hehehe!


  1. I can't believe you never rode the bus! It is such a fun thing for kids when they're little and they look forward to it so much! Hang in there!

  2. Make sure you don't stay in bed too long or you'll miss all this stuff and you'll miss them growing up. You'll want to remember watching all these events later!
