Sunday, July 24, 2011

May 4th.....Mononucleosis, Dehydration and a urinary tract infection..Oh My!!

I know, I know...I am 2 months behind on blogging!  Life has been so busy (mostly really fun stuff) and I just haven't taken the time to write things down but so much has happened so I am going to try to go back and 'catch up'
May 2nd...Dean and I noticed that Kenzie was definitely not herself ...tired, not hungry and we couldn't understand really anything she said. Sounded like she had a bag of marbles in her mouth.  May 3rd she developed a high fever and 'screamed' every time she had to go to the bathroom.   So May 4, I took Kenzie to the doctor..actually quite afraid that they were going to tell me that she had mumps, because her neck and jawline were sooo swollen- huge-.  after a couple hours, several tests and vials of blood later we found out that she was very dehydrated, had a bladder infection and Mono... I didn't even know that 3 yr olds could get mono?   At least I had a diagnosis for her illness, but I knew it was going to be a rocky road to recovery beings that there is no medicine for Mono, well at least we could fix the bladder infection quickly.  Kenzie was such a trooper with all her blood draws and tests...honestly it was really sad to watch, I think she was so weak and miserable that she couldn't fight if she wanted to.

this girl is terrible at taking medicine....I tried every trick and every bribe under the sun....but each dose of medicine took at minimum 30minutes to get in her. 
for the next couple of weeks....we spent a lot of time on the couch snuggling and watching movies.  Kenzie slept a lot and complained of a lot of aches all over her body.  Poor Avery and Presley had a very tired mommy.  Well we all survived and Kenzie bounced back fairly quickly...but fatigued easily in the afternoons and got a lot of headaches when she tried to do to  much.  Avery was an incredible big sister through the whole thing.  She had her kindergarten class praying for her and Avery made Kenzie many get well cards and read several books with her.
after about a week of going 'head to head' with Kenzie about taking medicine and keeping up liquids , I bribed her with allowing her to open up a birthday present early.....she loved her Fancy Nancy doll and the bribe worked for about one day.

at this point (about one week)  we started to see a little bit of twinkle back in her eyes.

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