Tuesday, July 26, 2011

T-ball time

 This season was hard for the girls...at least once a week the game was cancelled due to rain.  We did get a few nice days to play though and then it was a lot more fun for kids and parents.  It is so cute watching these little kids learn how to play sports....there was definitely several levels of athleticism on the field...Avery was not all that coordinated or knowledgeable about t-ball, but she ran hard and looked adorable trying!
 Kenzie missed most of her season due to being sick....when she did play, she was really not that interested in the game but she could actually hit the ball really well.  She still can't decide if she wants to be right or left handed.  So funny when she would stop a ball in the field, she would take off her glove and pass the ball from right to left hand back and forth until one felt comfortable...sometimes right hand sometimes left.

 Kenzie looked so adorable in her little uniform and cleats that were too big! She was not that interested in playing usually but she would so she could get her treat after the game and then go to the playground and have daddy push her on the swing =)

and then there was Presley.....scooching and rolling all over the grass, having a great time watching all the kids in bright color uniforms running bye.

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