Saturday, January 22, 2011

3 months old

Presley is three months old today.  Time is going so fast.  I wish I could just slow things down a bit.....(sigh)  I know that's not possible but a girl can dream right?  Presley is doing well.  She is really an easy baby, great sleeper, mellow, and a 'mamas girl'.  I must admit that I LOVE IT.....when she screams or gets irritable and upset with somebody else and the minute she is in my arms she falls asleep! Yay, such an amazing feeling.  Doesn't happen often that she makes any noise at all though.  She sleeps all through the night...have yet to hear a peep out of her in the night.  She sleeps 10 to 12 hours straight through and wakes up HAPPY and wanting to talk and coo and give big cheeky smiles.  Not a bad way to start my day!! In the last week or so, she has become very interested in what Avery and Kenzie are doing and prefers to be held so she can see them running around.  She is trying hard to talk to us.... she coos and smiles alot now and has one super cute little dimple. Cute as a button if you ask me!!

Presley "squealing" at the train each time it came around

Biggest challenge for me right now is definitely finding time and energy for each of them individually.  The 'newborn' stage is just so precious and goes so I find myself just wanting to hold her all day.  But, I also have 2 very fun, precious older girls who want me to do puzzles and play barbies and build forts and so on and so on.  I often have to remind myself, that they need me and my attention just as much as Presley.  So, in the evening when daddy is home to play with Avery and Kenzie I take full advantage of snuggle time with Presley and find myself staying up an hour or two past Avery and Kenzie falling asleep just to hold Presley.  But during the day, I put Presley in her crib to nap and take the time to be 'fully' present for my big girls.  Challenging yes, but the rewards far outweigh the work!!!  Warning, if you come to my home....there will be toys on the floor and laundry that should be done.etc....each day these sorts of things seem less important to me, I just prefer to spend my time enjoying my family.  A sterile looking_ squeaky clean home is so overrated anyway....boring!! =)

1 comment:

  1. HEY! Those pictures look like they were taken today/tonight. Where was the train when I came over? I was ripped off! LOL. :) Such sweet girls.
